The origin and maintenance of a retrograde exoplanet

Astronomers have used the Subaru Telescope to show that the HAT-P-7 planetary system, which is about 1040 light years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus, includes at least two giant planets and one companion star (Figure ...

NASA rocket to see sizzling edge of star-forming supernova

A new sounding rocket mission is headed to space to understand how explosive stellar deaths lay the groundwork for new star systems. The Integral Field Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Experiment, or INFUSE, sounding rocket mission, ...

Space image: Compact planetary system

( -- This artist's concept depicts a planetary system so compact that it's more like Jupiter and its moons than a star and its planets. Astronomers using data from NASA's Kepler mission and ground-based telescopes ...

Lasagna or spaghetti? Magnetic fields and star-formation

While staring at a multi-colored image of four overlapping clouds in the constellation Cygnus, a northern constellation on the plane of the Milky Way, Astronomy Professor Dan Clemens thought he saw a bowl of tri-colored spaghetti.

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