Small But Mighty Female Lizards Control Genetic Destiny

( -- "Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies." Mother Teresa's words echo throughout the world. They ring particularly true in the biological kingdom among brown anole lizards, ...

Chimpanzees have policemen, too: study

Conflict management is crucial for social group cohesion, and while humans may still be working out some of the details, new research shows that some chimpanzees engage in impartial, third-party "policing" activity as well.

Why do pivotal cultural differences among countries exist?

In today's world, conflicts and misunderstandings frequently arise between those who are from more restrictive cultures and those from less restrictive ones. Now, a new international study led by the University of Maryland ...

The world has become more peaceful

Although the war in Syria is in its eighth year, statisticians have established that the world is becoming increasingly peaceful.

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