How occupational skills influence migration

What characteristics distinguish people who migrate to a different country for a better income from others in their homeland? The fact that formal education alone is not enough to answer this question has been demonstrated ...

Virtual training helps middle schoolers hone social skills

Middle school, a time when children's brains are undergoing significant development, is often also a time of new challenges in navigating the social world. Recent research from the Center for BrainHealth at UT Dallas demonstrates ...

Improving the way vets care for animals and people

Veterinarians, pet owners and breeders often have preconceived notions about each other, but by investigating these biases, experts at the University of Arizona College of Veterinary Medicine hope to improve both human communication ...

Research expands bilingual language program for babies

Knowledge of multiple languages has long been shown to have lifelong benefits, from enhancing communication skills to boosting professional opportunities to staving off the cognitive effects of aging.

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