Rapid diagnostics, a new opportunity for European companies

Led by the Basque R&D Alliance IK4, 13 organisations in 8 different countries have been conducting research for three years under the European LabOnFoil project to develop new rapid diagnostic devices.

Fruit fly midguts provide human abdomen acumen

(Phys.org) —Nicolas Buchon, associate professor of entomology, is giving the fruit fly research community a lot to digest: a detailed molecular and anatomical atlas of the fruit fly digestive tract. The results, published ...

Scientists discover new way protein degradation is regulated

(Phys.org) —Proteins, unlike diamonds, aren't forever. And when they wear out, they need to be degraded in the cell back into amino acids, where they will be recycled into new proteins. Researchers at Rockefeller University ...

Study reveals how families share microbes, even with dogs

A study that began during the post-doctoral work of Northern Arizona University's Gregory Caporaso is shedding some light on how adults, and their dogs and kids, share microbial communities.

Caregivers must keep "a slice of selfishness," UW social worker

Several years ago, Wendy Lustbader cut back her counseling, teaching and writing career to spend one year as a caregiver. Her mother-in-law, in the final stages of colon cancer, moved from Florida to be looked after by Lustbader ...

Human cells build protein cages to trap invading Shigella

In research on the never-ending war between pathogen and host, scientists at the Pasteur Institute in Paris have discovered a novel defensive weapon, a cytoskeletal protein called septin, that humans cells deploy to cage ...

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