Related topics: clouds

Aerosol-cloud interactions may predict climate change

( —University of Arizona researcher Armin Sorooshian and his research team are on a mission to find missing pieces of an atmospheric puzzle that will help scientists better understand aerosol-cloud interactions ...

Explosive growth of young star

A star is formed when a large cloud of gas and dust condenses and eventually becomes so dense that it collapses into a ball of gas, where the pressure heats the matter, creating a glowing gas ball – a star is born. New ...

Research maps where stars are born

( —A University of Arizona-led group of astronomers has completed the largest-ever survey of dense gas clouds in the Milky Way – pockets shrouded in gas and dust where new stars are being born.

Measuring global sulfur dioxide emissions with satellite sensors

Atmospheric sulfur dioxide affects the weather by enhancing cloud formation, and long-term shifts in emissions can change the climate by increasing the planetary albedo. Sulfur dioxide emissions are the basis for acid rain, ...

ALMA discovers large 'hot' cocoon around a small baby star

International research team, led by researcher at the University of Electro-Communication observed an infrared dark cloud G34.43+00.24 MM3 with ALMA and discovered a baby star surrounded by a large hot cloud. This hot cloud ...

A 'cosmic weather balloon' at the center of the Milky Way

The radiation field at the centre of the Milky Way must be 1,000 times stronger than in the area surrounding our sun. Astrophysicists of the "Milky Way Galaxy" Collaborative Research Centre of Heidelberg University used computer ...

Pulsating dust cloud dynamics modeled

The birth of stars is an event that eludes intuitive understanding. It is the collapse of dense molecular clouds under their own weight that offers the best sites of star formation. Now, Pralay Kumar Karmakar from the Department ...

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