Man's best friend

People have an innate need to establish close relationships with other people. But this natural bonding behaviour is not confined to humans: many animals also seem to need relationships with others of their kind. For domesticated ...

Was King Richard III a control freak?

( —University of Leicester psychologists believe Richard III was not a psychopath – but he may have had control freak tendencies

Type of innovation dependent on choice of partner

(—When companies want to innovate, they may choose to collaborate with other companies. Thijs Habets of the University of Twente's IGS research institute looked into the collaboration between complementary companies ...

Apple chief vows innovation in TV and more

Apple chief Tim Cook on Tuesday vowed that creativity would remain in the company's "DNA" and hinted that products on the horizon could come in the area of television.

Like humans, chimps are born with immature forebrains

In both chimpanzees and humans, portions of the brain that are critical for complex cognitive functions, including decision-making, self-awareness and creativity, are immature at birth. But there are important differences, ...

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