Analyzing the fat of killer whales reveals what they eat

Scientists are studying the diets of the ocean's top predators as they change in response to their environments. This is because how much and what they eat can affect how ecosystems function.

Imaging human cells: New method enables clear, precise look inside

It's why Jaws swam out of sight for more than an hour, and it hints at the glamor of giftwrap. In movie theaters, living rooms, and even labs, the thrill of the unseen can be counted on to keep us guessing. But when it comes ...

Mimicking life: A breakthrough in non-living materials

Researchers at the Eelkema Lab have discovered a new process that uses fuel to control non-living materials, similar to what living cells do. The reaction cycle can easily be applied to a wide range of materials and its rate ...

Dense liquid droplets act as cellular computers

An emerging field explores how groups of molecules condense together inside cells, the way oil droplets assemble and separate from water in a vinaigrette.

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