Raman pixel by pixel

New data processing protocol enables feature-based recognition of Surface-enhanced Raman spectra for intracellular molecule probing of biological targets. It relies on locally detecting the most relevant spectra to retrieve ...

Gold probes may offer valuable insight into cancer

(Phys.org) —Nanoprobes made from gold could be used to predict people's cancer risk – and the effectiveness of treatments, following research by University of Strathclyde academics.

Quantum-assisted nano-imaging of living organism is a first

In science, many of the most interesting events occur at a scale far smaller than the unaided human eye can see. Medical researchers might realize a range of breakthroughs if they could look deep inside living biological ...

Helium raises resolution of whole cell imaging

The ability to obtain an accurate three-dimensional image of an intact cell is critical for unraveling the mysteries of cellular structure and function. However, for many years, tiny structures buried deep inside cells have ...

Research team achieves first 2-color STED microscopy of living cells

Researchers are able to achieve extremely high-resolution microscopy through a process known as stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy. This cutting-edge imaging system has pushed the performance of microscopes significantly ...

Virtual nanoscopy: Like 'Google Earth' for cell biologists

Just as users of Google Earth can zoom in from space to a view of their own backyard, researchers can now navigate biological tissues from a whole embryo down to its subcellular structures thanks to recent advances in electron ...

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