The dance of the atoms

( —Catalysts can stop working when atoms on the surface start moving. At the Vienna University of Technology, this dance of the atoms could now be observed and explained.

The search for new materials for hydrogen storage

(—Hydrogen is the ideal fuel for new types of fuel cell vehicles, but one problem is how to store hydrogen. In his doctoral dissertation Serhiy Luzan studies new types of materials for hydrogen storage. He also ...

Nanoparticles reboot blood flow in brain

A nanoparticle developed at Rice University and tested in collaboration with Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) may bring great benefits to the emergency treatment of brain-injury victims, even those with mild injuries.

Crystals from chaos: Physicists observe new form of carbon

( -- A team of scientists led by Carnegie's Lin Wang has observed a new form of very hard carbon clusters, which are unusual in their mix of crystalline and disordered structure. The material is capable of indenting ...

Researchers invent a switch that could improve electronics

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have invented a new type of electronic switch that performs electronic logic functions within a single molecule. The incorporation of such single-molecule elements could enable ...

Large or small, platinum clusters provide new insights

Using Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory's high-performance supercomputing capabilities, scientists helped resolve longstanding controversies about the effect of platinum cluster size on some emissions-reducing reactions ...

Carbon nanoballs as data storage units

Small, smaller, "nano" data storage! Interest is growing in the use of metallofullerenes - carbon “cages” with embedded metallic compounds - as materials for miniature data storage devices. Researchers at Empa have discovered ...

Star Light, Star Bright, Its Explanation is Out of Sight

( -- A mysterious flash of light from somewhere near or far in the universe is still keeping astronomers in the dark long after it was first detected by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope in 2006. It might represent ...

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