Eight carriers in undersea Asia cable project

Eight Asian telecoms companies have formed a consortium to build an undersea cable system to link 10 regional hubs, Philippine Long Distance Telephone (PDLT) said Wednesday.

Congress to hold hearing on cable advertising

(AP) -- Cable operators will sit in the hot seat Thursday as Congress reviews their plans to roll out targeted advertising amid fears that consumer privacy could be infringed if the companies were to track and record viewing ...

ONR demonstrates new counter-mine technology for ships

In a time of increasing irregular warfare threats, the Navy has devised and successfully demonstrated a revolutionary technology to help reduce the risk of naval mine strikes to U.S. Navy ships.

Ad watchdog: Cablevision Internet not 'fastest'

(AP) -- Cablevision Systems Corp. should stop saying its Internet service is "the fastest around," the advertising industry's self-regulatory body said Thursday, in response to complaints from competitor Verizon Communications ...

Engineers develop new power line de-icing system

(PhysOrg.com) -- Dartmouth engineering professor and entrepreneur Victor Petrenko—along with his colleagues at Dartmouth and at Ice Engineering LLC in Lebanon, N.H.—have invented a way to cheaply and effectively keep ...

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