Windows talks, but it won't listen to him

Q. I installed Windows on a new PC hard drive, but failed to activate the software with Microsoft's online service in the required time. Now, when I try to access music, Windows asks me if I want to activate. When I try ...

Government working on wireless spectrum inventory

(AP) -- Federal officials are beginning work on a comprehensive inventory of the nation's radio spectrum in hopes of finding more capacity for wireless high-speed Internet connections.

Wii becomes third console to stream Netflix

(AP) -- It's a triple crown for Netflix. Beginning in the spring, the Wii will become the last of the three current video game consoles to get instant viewing of Netflix movies and TV shows over the Internet.

Wikipedia world view 'shaped by editors in the West'

A new Oxford University study has found that nearly half of all edits to articles about places on Wikipedia were made by editors living in just five countries: the UK, US, France, Germany and Italy.

Global broadband quality improves but UK is lagging

( -- A global survey reveals that 62 out of 66 countries analysed had improved their speed of broadband connections since last year, with South Korea coming top of the Broadband Quality Study 2009.

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