Seafloor research expedition features live online video feed

UC Santa Cruz hydrogeologist Andrew Fisher is leading an expedition on the research vessel (R/V) Atlantis this summer to explore fluid flow and microbial habitats deep within the ocean crust. His team is returning to a set ...

Istanbul—The earthquake risk of a megacity

Today the drilling starts for a seismic monitoring network on the Marmara Sea near Istanbul. Specially designed seismic sensors in eight boreholes on the outskirts of Istanbul and around the eastern Marmara Sea will monitor ...

Key find for treating wastewater on World Water Day

A newly developed membrane used to separate waste from water could become key in the treatment of pollutants ranging from acid mine drainage to oil-containing wastewater, as well as in processes ranging from desalination ...

Bone-eating worms 30 million years old

An international team of scientists led by the paleontologist Steffen Kiel at the University of Kiel, Germany, found the first fossil boreholes of the worm Osedax that consumes whale bones on the deep-sea floor. They conclude ...

Northern hemisphere losing last dry snow region, says study

( —Last July, something unprecedented in the 34-year satellite record happened: 98 percent of the Greenland Ice Sheet's surface melted, compared to roughly 50 percent during an average summer. Snow that usually ...

1,000m underground central heating system planned

( -- A pioneering scheme to build a giant central heating system that will harness heat from deep underground is being developed by university scientists.

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