Research finds taller trees are better able to cope with drought

A bibliographic review by CREAF and the UAB concludes that the tallest trees are more capable of overcoming droughts, at least in the short term, thanks to a series of adaptations developed as they grow. The findings are ...

Officials: Rodents likely destroyed rare plants at mine

DNA evidence suggests rodents destroyed part of an area of an extremely rare desert wildflower being considered for endangered species protection at a contentious mine site in Nevada, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said ...

Discovery of a genetic sex marker in sturgeon

Scientists have discovered a molecular marker for sex determination in sturgeon within the international project STURGEoNOMICS, led by the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB). This discovery ...

Study: DNA may have only modest impact on sexual assault arrests

Most arrests in sexual assault cases occur before crime laboratory results are available, a new study found, suggesting that DNA testing may influence arrests in just a small number of cases.The paper is among the first studies ...

Scientist exposes new world of forensic analysis

Over the past 20 years DNA evidence has become the foundation upon which forensic investigation is built. The identification of traces of blood, saliva and other bodily fluids places a suspect directly at the site of a crime, ...

Re-examining Darwin’s thoughts on species

James Mallet is out to rehabilitate Charles Darwin’s reputation on species. It may seem strange that such a founding father of modern biological thought as Darwin could run afoul of something so basic, but biologists over ...

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