Nutrition key to cow efficiency, expert says

Heading into the winter months, cattle producers should give careful attention to adequate nutrition of beef cattle, said a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service expert.

Treating stable flies in pastures

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists are developing strategies to help livestock producers control stable flies, the most damaging arthropod pests of cattle in the United States.

New test will help identify viral cattle disease

( -- A University of Adelaide project could provide a breakthrough for a viral cattle disease costing Australian producers millions of dollars each year.

Signs of drought from space

As Tracy Schohr goes about her day, water is always on her mind. She's thinking of it as she rides an all-terrain vehicle around the pasture, looks up hay prices and weather forecasts, and collects data on grazing and invasive ...

Study outlines scenarios leading toward a circular food system

The EU wants to make the transition to a circular food system, where waste is minimized, waste products are recycled and our impact on the planet is reduced. But what will we eat in the circular food system? What kinds of ...

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