Beyond the honeybee: How many bee species does a meadow need?

A meadow's lush array of flowers needs a full phalanx of bees to pollinate them—far more than just the honeybees and bumblebees that most people are familiar with, according to a new study by a team of researchers including ...

Pollination by birds can be advantageous

Why have some plant species changed pollinators in their evolution? An international team of researchers from the Universities of Bonn and Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Suzhou (China) studied the reproductive systems ...

How effective are honey bees as pollinators?

Honeybees are celebrated as effective plant pollinators, but just how effective are they? Newly published UC Davis research in the American Journal of Botany yields some surprising results.

Wildfire bees on the brink

The number of threatened Australian native bee species is expected to increase by nearly  five times after the devastating Black Summer bushfires in 2019-20, new research led by Flinders University has found.

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