'Folded' optical devices manipulate light in a new way

The next generation of electronic devices, ranging from personal health monitors and augmented reality headsets to sensitive scientific instruments that would only be found in a laboratory, will likely incorporate components ...

Metaio announces AR processing unit for phones

(Phys.org)—Metaio this week announced its AREngine, an augmented reality chip that closes in on the future of smartphones as AR devices for daily use. The hardware chipset being introduced is a jump up for Metaio which ...

AR glasses are proposed to restore depth perception

(Phys.org)—People with impaired depth perception might see better with augmented reality glasses according to a research initiative under way at the University of Yamanashi in Japan. The team involved are working with off ...

LuminAR bulb lights path to augmented reality (w/ video)

(Phys.org)—Are we moving closer to a computer age where "touchscreen" is in the room, but it is the counter, desktop, wall, our new digital work areas? Are we moving into a new form factor called Anywhere? Do we understand ...

DARPA sets sights on high-tech contact lenses

(Phys.org) -- A Bellevue, Washington, company specializing in display technology based on eyewear and contact lenses has sealed a deal with DARPA. Innovega, which says its technology can open a “new dimension to virtual ...

3D graphics, reality fuse on the fly

(PhysOrg.com) -- Software developed at Oxford University is making it possible to fuse real and 3D computer-generated visuals on the fly.

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