Ocean toxicity hampered the rapid evolution of complex life

By examining rocks at the bottom of ancient oceans, an international group of researchers have revealed that arsenic concentrations in the oceans have varied greatly over time. But also that in the very early oceans, arsenic ...

UK: In 1st, global temps average could be 1 degree C higher

This year is on track to be a record 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) hotter than the pre-industrial average, hitting a symbolic milestone in the global warming that scientists blame on human activities, Britain's ...

Excitement grows as NASA carbon sleuth begins year two

Scientists busy poring over more than a year of data from NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) mission are seeing patterns emerge as they seek answers to the science questions that drive the mission.

How TIMED flies: Unexpected trends in carbon data

NASA's TIMED mission, short for Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics, has confirmed a surprisingly fast carbon dioxide increase in Earth's upper atmosphere, raising questions about how different layers ...

Artificial control of starch synthesis in plants

A research group is the first in the world to identify the gene that controls starch synthesis in plants. Their study, entitled "CO2 Responsive CCT protein, CRCT Is a Positive Regulator of Starch Synthesis in Vegetative Organs ...

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