Biogeochemical insights from a major Amazonian river

Rivers provide water to billions of people and are critical linkages between continental ecosystems and oceans. Every run and every riffle reshape the surrounding landscape as a river transports nutrients and sediment downstream. ...

NOAA still expects above-normal Atlantic hurricane season

Atmospheric and oceanic conditions still favor an above-normal 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, according to NOAA's annual mid-season update issued today by the Climate Prediction Center, a division of the National Weather ...

Researchers predict active hurricane season

The 2022 Atlantic hurricane season will see 17 to 21 named storms forming in the Atlantic basin, according to researchers at North Carolina State University. The Atlantic basin includes the entire Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf ...

High-tech sensors to gather long-term biogeochemical data

The crew of the Royal Research Ship Discovery, a scientific research vessel of the United Kingdom, recently deployed high-technology biogeochemical sensors onto existing 'Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program' ...

Young blue sharks use central North Atlantic nursery

Blue sharks may use the central North Atlantic as a nursery prior to males and females moving through the ocean basin in distinctly different patterns, according to a study published August 13, 2014 in the open-access journal ...

NASA sees newborn eastern Atlantic tropical depression

The fourth tropical depression of the Atlantic Ocean hurricane season was born west of the Cape Verde Islands in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean on July 24. NOAA's GOES-13 satellite provides continuous views of the Atlantic Ocean ...

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