Related topics: mars

Video: Could cancer be our oldest ancestor?

( -- Arizona State University researcher Paul Davies shares his theory about cancer being our evolutionary ancestor. read more

Countering contamination for Mars spacesuits

To search for life on Mars, future astronauts would naturally want to step outside their living habitat for a walk. But the spacesuits keeping them alive might also carry Earth microbes or ingredients of life that could contaminate ...

Eyeball earths

Alien worlds resembling giant eyeballs might exist around red dwarf stars, and researchers are now proposing experiments to simulate these distant planets and see how capable they are of supporting life.

Replication of arsenic life experiment not successful so far

One of the most vocal and ardent critics of the so-called 'arsenic life' experiment which was published in December 2010 was biologist Rosie Redfield from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. The science paper ...

WSU astrobiologist proposes fleet of probes to seek life on Mars

A Washington State University astrobiologist is leading a group of 20 scientists in calling for a mission to Mars with "a strong and comprehensive life detection component." At the heart of their proposal is a small fleet ...

Researcher finds life flying high above

For years, scientists have been tracking pollution that travels across the jet stream from Asia and measuring how much of it winds up in Northwest air. Now new work from University of Washington researchers shows it's not ...

3Qs: Doomsday predictions debunked

Some people are not making plans for the New Year. From hiding in bomb shel­ters to sharp­ening their sur­vival skills, doomsday the­o­rists are preparing for judg­ment day, which the Mayan cal­endar pre­dicts will ...

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