A tailored and rapid approach for ozonation catalyst design

In a new study published in the journal Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, researchers from the Chinese Research Academy of Environment Sciences have employed machine learning, specifically the artificial neural network ...

Dust in the wind: Forecasting storms with AI

Dust storms are not only a nuisance for anyone trying to keep their house spick and span, they also pose a very real health hazard and are a major ecological concern. Respiratory problems caused by breathing in dust and other ...

The digital dark matter clouding AI in genome analysis

Artificial intelligence has entered our daily lives. First, it was ChatGPT. Now, it's AI-generated pizza and beer commercials. While we can't trust AI to be perfect, it turns out that sometimes we can't trust ourselves with ...

AI powers second-skin-like wearable tech

A new ultra-thin skinpatch with nanotechnology able to monitor 11 human health signals has been developed by researchers at Monash University.

Automated detection of embryonic developmental defects

Complex multicellular organisms can only emerge from fertilized eggs because embryonic development is biologically precisely regulated. Cellular communication through signaling pathways plays a crucial role in this context. ...

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