Zapping orange peel oil into new, pleasant aroma compounds

As oranges are peeled, they spray a tangy, citrus scented oil into the air. The main compound in the fragrant mist is limonene, which can be collected from discarded peels and used in flavorings, perfumes and all-purpose ...

Researchers isolate key compounds in the aroma of walnuts

A research team from the Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich has analyzed the aroma of walnut kernels and deciphered the underlying odorant code. As the team shows for the first ...

Fermented coffee's fruity aromas demystified

Specialty coffees are gaining traction in coffeehouses around the world—and now a fermented version could bring a fruity taste to your morning cup of joe. This new kind of beverage has a raspberry-like taste and aroma, ...

Carbonized coffee grounds remove foul smells

For coffee lovers, the first cup of the morning is one of life's best aromas. But did you know that the leftover grounds could eliminate one of the worst smells around – sewer gas?

A study identifies 17 key compounds in wine aromas

Maybe words such as ethyl butanoate and octalactone sound unfamiliar to most people who drink wine. However, these substances are some of the ones that give this popular drink its own scent. A recent piece of research published ...

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