Magnetar SGR J1935+2154 investigated in detail

Using various ground-based facilities worldwide, an international team of astronomers has carried out long-term multi-frequency radio observations of a galactic magnetar known as SGR J1935+2154. Results of the observational ...

Mass estimated for two binary pulsars

By performing timing observations, an international group of astronomers has measured the mass of two binary millisecond pulsars designated PSR J1949+3106 and PSR J1950+2414. The results could be essential in order to unveil ...

Astronomers find stream of gas—2.6 million light years long

( —Astronomers and students have found a bridge of atomic hydrogen gas 2.6 million light years long between galaxies 500 million light years away. They detected the gas using the William E. Gordon Telescope at ...

Massive outburst in neighbor galaxy surprises astronomers

(—The surprising discovery of a massive outburst in a neighboring galaxy is giving astronomers a tantalizing look at what likely is a powerful belch by a gorging black hole at the galaxy's center. The scientists ...

SETI@home completes a decade of ET search

The SETI@home project, which has involved the worldwide public in a search for radio-wave evidence of life outside Earth, marks its 10th anniversary on May 17, 2009.

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