Protein knots gain new evolutionary significance

( -- A new study suggests that protein knots, a structure whose formation remains a mystery, may have specific functional advantages that depend on the nature of the protein's architecture.

Oldest Caspian Horse remains discovered in Iran

( -- The Caspian Horse, also known as the "King's Horse" or the Mazandaran horse, is the oldest breed of horse still in existence. The newest discovery of remains makes it even older than originally believed. ...

Visualizing the Aztecs

( -- Anyone who has visited the ancient ruins of great civilizations can appreciate the difficulty of visualizing the buildings at their peak. Today's visitor to the British Museum can see structures of the Aztecs, ...

Chips with everything

( -- While the technology to make computer chips smaller and cheaper progresses each year, the fundamental structure of the chip - the computer architecture - has remained the same for decades. This led Professor ...

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