Amoeba study puts bite on dysentery

An amoeba parasite that causes potentially fatal dysentery in poor countries wreaks its havoc by eating intestinal cells alive, scientists reported on Wednesday.

Cheating slime mold gets the upper hand

A 'cheater' mutation (chtB) in Dictyostelium discoideum, a free living slime mould able to co-operate as social organism when food is scarce, allows the cheater strain to exploit its social partner, finds a new study published ...

Anthrax can grow and reproduce in soil, researchers find

(—Anthrax has the unexpected ability to grow and reproduce while lurking in soil – increasing the deadly bacteria's chances to infect cattle and other mammals, researchers at the University of Virginia School ...

Cells' life and death decisions: lessons from a social amoeba

Life is full of choices, not only for people but also for the cells that we’re made of. Scientists in Manchester are studying a simple life form to uncover the basis of cells’ choices, as Michael Regnier reports.

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