Airline industry swooping in to prevent cyberattacks

Worried that computer hackers attacking banks and media companies could easily shift targets, the airline industry is taking preemptive steps to ensure it doesn't become the next victim.

Hard cold work and unsung science heroes

The Sierra went down over the Arctic Ocean, about 60 miles from the northernmost tip of North America. One moment the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with its 20-foot wingspan was up in the sky, gathering "hard" data over ...

NASA: Sector 33 app

Welcome to Sector 33! – A new air traffic control game for iOS and Android mobile devices.

The limits of phenomenology

What's wrong with the science of science? Do the methods we use to explore new innovations in psychology, drug testing and engineering design really work? A new paper has troubling answers: Big Data isn't big enough to be ...

Toward harmonised aircraft communication

A key requirement for aircraft security is an efficient and modern communication network. The procedure carried out before each take-off requires input by multiple individuals at each stage. A fail in communication may lead ...

Alaska volcano shoots ash 15,000 feet into the air

(AP)—One of Alaska's most restless volcanoes has shot an ash cloud 15,000 feet into the air in an ongoing eruption that has drawn attention from a nearby community but isn't expected to threaten air traffic.

Most home computers, including yours, are vulnerable to attack

North Korea recently launched a cyber attack on South Korean TV stations and banks. Iran carried out a cyber campaign against U.S. banking sites. The U.S. and Israel released malware that disabled Iranian nuclear centrifuges. ...

3Qs: The rules of cyber-engagement

The Obama administration is close to approving the nation's first set of rules for how the military can defend or retaliate against a major cyberattack, according to a report last month in The New York Times. One such new ...

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