Study tracks elephant tusks from 16th century shipwreck

In 1533, the Bom Jesus—a Portuguese trading vessel carrying 40 tons of cargo including gold, silver, copper and more than 100 elephant tusks—sank off the coast of Africa near present-day Namibia. The wreck was found in ...

Reforestation plans in Africa could go awry

The state of mature ecosystems must be taken into account before launching massive reforestation plans in sub-Saharan Africa, according to geo-ecologist Julie Aleman, a visiting researcher in the geography department of Université ...

Following in the footsteps of elephants

Imagine for a moment that you're 6,000 pounds, living in one of the wildest places on Earth, with no schedule, nowhere to be. How do you decide where to spend your time? Where to go next? Do you move where food is most plentiful? ...

Amazon fires a 'tipping point': forestry group chief

The fires tearing through the Amazon represent a "tipping point" for the health of the rainforest, the head of a top global forestry management body said Wednesday, urging the world to do more to save the trees.

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