Group responds to potential NW wind power shutdown

(AP) -- Wind power companies facing a springtime shutdown to accommodate a surge of hydropower in the Northwest said Tuesday the region's main power manager has a conflict of interest, using authority over transmission lines ...

Amazon sells book offering advice to pedophiles

(AP) -- Inc. is selling a self-published guide that offers advice to pedophiles, and that has generated outrage on the Internet and threats to boycott the retailer.

Gadget makers forced to look at links to Congo war

(AP) -- Does that smart phone in your pocket contribute to rape and murder in the depths of Africa? Soon, you'll know: A new U.S. law requires companies to certify whether their products contain minerals from rebel-controlled ...

FCC and the Internet

The U.S. Court of Appeals in the District of Columbia recently ruled that the Federal Communications Commission has no authority to tell Internet service providers how to manage their networks.

Waste watchers? UK group fears trash bin spies

(AP) -- It's the new front in the nanny state: Microchips placed in garbage bins to monitor how much people throw away. A pro-privacy group warns in a new report that more than 2.6 million of the chips have been surreptitiously ...

Video spurs explosion of Internet traffic

Internet traffic will have increased six fold by 2012 in a five-year period as more users view and post videos online, delegates at an Internet forum heard on Wednesday.

UN demands removal of China poster at Net event

(AP) -- United Nations officials forced free-speech advocates to take down a poster over its reference to China's Web restrictions at an Internet conference focused on freedom, saying Monday that it violated a ban on posters ...

German court rules against Google's terms

(AP) -- A German court has ruled that Google Inc. must change terms of service that could be interpreted to compromise a user's rights, a decision the consumer advocacy group that brought the suit welcomed Monday as a victory ...

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