Research reveals accent discrimination in hiring

People from minority groups who speak with 'non-standard' accents face discrimination in job interviews, researchers from The University of Queensland have found.

Computer scientist seeks the real meaning of language

Better be careful about telling a lie to Julia Hirschberg. The computer science professor, an expert in spoken language, examines what people unconsciously communicate through such things as intonation, accent and phrasing. ...

Accents impact workplace and consumer choices

( —An accent can affect an individual's evaluation and impact perceptions of competence, scholarly research tells us. But do negative assumptions based on accent translate to decision-making and behaviors?

Are accents disappearing?

In Boston, there are reports of people pronouncing the letter "r." Down in Tennessee, people are noticing a lack of a Southern drawl. And Texans have long worried about losing their distinctive twang.

New research shows link between ethnicity and bias

New research from The Australian National University (ANU) has shown people demonstrate unconscious negative biases when they encounter a person of ethnic appearance or hear a foreign accent.

Birds invent new songs in evolutionary fast-forward

Native North Island saddlebacks have developed such distinctive new songs in the last 50 years that it is not clear if birds on one island recognise what their neighbors are singing about, a Massey University study shows.

Why does the UK have so many accents?

Where we come from matters. Our origins form an important part of a distinctive personality, which can become a group identity when we share these origins. More often than not, our use of language, especially our dialect, ...

App maps the decline in regional diversity of English dialects

Regional diversity in dialect words and pronunciations could be diminishing as much of England falls more in line with how English is spoken in London and the south-east, according to the first results from a free app developed ...

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