Hubble observes an oddly organized satellite galaxy

Andromeda III is one of at least 13 dwarf satellite galaxies in orbit around the Andromeda galaxy, or Messier 31, the Milky Way's closest grand spiral galactic neighbor. Andromeda III is a faint, spheroidal collection of ...

Geoscientists detect rapid uplift at unique volcano in Tanzania

When a volcano is about to erupt, the surrounding land puffs up like a squeezed balloon. The technical term is "transient deformation," and Virginia Tech researchers have detected and tracked this short-lived movement for ...

How a failed switch won the Nobel Prize

In 2016, University of Groningen Professor of Organic Chemistry Ben Feringa and two of his colleagues were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for having created "the world's tiniest machines." Feringa had built a light-driven ...

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