Harnessing breadfruit starch for bioethanol production

In a bid to address the growing demand for renewable energy, a team of scientists has turned to an unlikely source—the humble breadfruit. A recent study published in the Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts has shed ...

Research holds promise for liver regeneration

A new study titled "Biomimetic hepatic lobules from three-dimensional imprinted cell sheets" has been led by Prof. Yuanjin Zhao of the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Hepatobiliary Institute, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, ...

Image: Bolivian salt lakes from orbit

This Copernicus Sentinel-2 image features salt flats and lakes in southwest Bolivia, near the crest of the Andes Mountains.

Iceland's 'Mammoth' raises potential for carbon capture

With Mammoth's 72 industrial fans, Swiss start-up Climeworks intends to suck 36,000 tonnes of CO2 from the air annually to bury underground, vying to prove the technology has a place in the fight against global warming.

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