Search results for fingerprint

Environment Mar 5, 2021

New tool finds and fingerprints previously undetected PFAS compounds in watersheds on Cape Cod

Researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) found large quantities of previously undetectable compounds from the family of chemicals known as PFAS in six watersheds on Cape ...

Bio & Medicine Feb 8, 2021

Wearable plasmonic-metasurface sensor for universal molecular fingerprint detection on biointerfaces

Wearable sensing technology is an essential link in personalized medicine, where researchers must track multiple analytes inside the body simultaneously, to obtain a complete picture of human health. In a new report on Science ...

Nanophysics Dec 8, 2020

Nanoelectromechanical tags for tamper-proof product identification and authentication

Researchers in cybersecurity aim to realize truly unclonable identification and authentication tags to defend global systems from ever-increasing counterfeit attacks. In a new report now published on Nature: Microsystems ...

Plants & Animals Nov 30, 2020

Fingerprints' moisture-regulating mechanism strengthens human touch: study

Human fingerprints have a self-regulating moisture mechanism that not only helps us to avoid dropping our smartphone, but could help scientists to develop better prosthetic limbs, robotic equipment and virtual reality environments, ...

General Physics Nov 23, 2020

Social bacteria build shelters using the physics of fingerprints

Forest-dwelling bacteria known for forming slimy swarms that prey on other microbes can also cooperate to construct mushroom-like survival shelters known as fruiting bodies when food is scarce. Now a team at Princeton University ...

Astronomy Apr 23, 2020

EXPRES looks to the skies of a scorching, distant planet

Yale technology is giving astronomers a closer look at the atmosphere of a distant planet where it's so hot the air contains vaporized metals.

Soft Matter Oct 28, 2019

American whiskey found to leave distinctive 'fingerprint' when it evaporates

A team of researchers at the University of Louisville has found that unlike other whiskeys, American whiskey leaves a distinctive "fingerprint" behind when it evaporates on a flat surface. In their paper published in the ...

Analytical Chemistry Jul 29, 2019

Microfluidics: 2-D fingerprints of heterogenous proteins in solution

Microfluidic systems are used in molecular biology, biochemistry and biotechnology to rapidly analyze heterogenous biomolecular mixtures with high recovery rates and minute sample volumes. However, it is challenging to combine ...

Quantum Physics Jul 4, 2019

Scientists combine light and matter to make particles with new behaviors

Every type of atom in the universe has a unique fingerprint: It only absorbs or emits light at the particular energies that match the allowed orbits of its electrons. That fingerprint enables scientists to identify an atom ...

Astronomy Jun 25, 2019

Hubble finds tiny 'electric soccer balls' in space, helps solve interstellar mystery

Scientists using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have confirmed the presence of electrically-charged molecules in space shaped like soccer balls, shedding light on the mysterious contents of the interstellar medium (ISM) - ...

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