Search results for Cassini-Huygens

Space Exploration Apr 21, 2017

Last adventure ahead for NASA's Cassini spacecraft at Saturn

NASA's Cassini spacecraft faces one last perilous adventure around Saturn.

Space Exploration Apr 21, 2017

What does the abundance of water in the solar system mean for life?

There was much excitement when NASA recently revealed new details about the oceans that lurk beneath the surface of Saturn's tiny moon Enceladus and Jupiter's Europa.

Space Exploration Apr 4, 2017

Image: Sliver of Saturn

Although only a sliver of Saturn's sunlit face is visible in this view, the mighty gas giant planet still dominates the view.

Space Exploration Mar 27, 2017

What about a mission to Titan?

As you probably know, NASA recently announced plans to send a mission to Jupiter's moon Europa. If all goes well, the Europa Clipper will blast off for the world in the 2020s, and orbit the icy moon to discover all its secrets.

Space Exploration Mar 20, 2017

Image: Saturn's B-ring close-up

This image shows the incredible detail at which the international Cassini spacecraft is observing Saturn's rings of icy debris as part of its dedicated close 'ring grazing' orbits.

Space Exploration Mar 14, 2017

Enceladus' south pole is warm under the frost

Over the past decade, the international Cassini mission has revealed intense activity at the southern pole of Saturn's icy moon, Enceladus, with warm fractures venting water-rich jets that hint at an underground sea. A new ...

Space Exploration Jan 13, 2017

Video: Huygens' descent to Titan

On December 25, 2004, the piggybacking Huygens probe was released from the 'mothership' Cassini spacecraft and it arrived at Titan on January 14, 2005. The probe began transmitting data to Cassini four minutes into its descent ...

Space Exploration Jan 13, 2017

Catching Cassini's call

This week, ESA deep-space radio dishes on two continents are listening for signals from the international Cassini spacecraft, now on its final tour of Saturn.

Space Exploration Jan 11, 2017

Huygens: 'Ground truth' from an alien moon—2005 historic descent to Titan revisited

After a two-and-a-half-hour descent, the metallic, saucer-shaped spacecraft came to rest with a thud on a dark floodplain covered in cobbles of water ice, in temperatures hundreds of degrees below freezing. The alien probe ...

Space Exploration Jan 4, 2017

Image: Cloud activity returns to Titan's northern latitudes

Floating high above the hydrocarbon lakes, wispy clouds have finally started to return to Titan's northern latitudes.

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