Search results for interactive multimedia

Social Sciences Jun 29, 2018

New website amplifies refugee voices amid immigration crackdowns

To humanize the growing refugee crisis, researchers at UC Berkeley and UC Davis have launched an interactive website that maps the perilous ordeals of thousands of displaced people from the Middle East, Africa and Asia through ...

Archaeology Jun 26, 2018

Digitalisation meets the Middle Ages

Smartphones and touchscreens could turn museum visits into a digital and multimedia experience. In the months ahead, an example of this can be seen in Admont Abbey in Austria. In a special exhibition, the abbey is presenting ...

Nanomaterials Apr 4, 2018

Scientists explain what happens when nanoparticles collide

Helmets that do a better job of preventing concussions and other brain injuries. Earphones that protect people from damaging noises. Devices that convert "junk" energy from airport runway vibrations into usable power.

Internet Mar 21, 2018

Facebook: A community like no other. Should you leave it?

Sure. Take that quiz about which hair-metal band is your spirit animal. Share a few snaps of your toddler at the beach and watch the likes pile up. Comment on that pointed political opinion from the classmate you haven't ...

Social Sciences Feb 22, 2018

Social media and internet not cause of political polarization, new research suggests

The argument against echo chambers is well documented: helped by social media algorithms, we are increasingly choosing to interact in safe spaces, with people who think and act like us - effectively preaching our opinions ...

Business Oct 12, 2017

Artificial intelligence comes to the real estate market

While providing services to real estate agents, EnterUp Tecnologia, a startup based in São José do Rio Preto city, Brazil, identified a problematic gap between demand and supply in the online real estate market. Search ...

Hi Tech & Innovation Oct 5, 2017

New technology uses mouth gestures to interact in virtual reality

Researchers at Binghamton University, State University of New York have developed a new technology that allows users to interact in a virtual reality environment using only mouth gestures.

Business Sep 15, 2017

Inside Job: He helps people secure their passwords with Keeper

What's it really like to work at Chicago startups and tech companies? Blue Sky's Inside Job lets people on the ground tell us in their own words.

Software Aug 24, 2017

Startup launches new app that could shake up conventional video viewing

A start-up from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has launched an innovative mobile app that allows viewers to interact with television or video screens. This could spell new opportunities for marketers ...

Space Exploration Aug 11, 2017

Those maps of eclipse's path? 'Wrong,' experts say—off by up to a half-mile at edge

Anyone who has been using online maps to decide where they intend to view the historic Aug. 21 total eclipse of the sun may want to take another look.

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