Search results for pauli exclusion principle

General Physics Mar 27, 2019

Waiting for neutrinos

On Feb. 24, 1987, light from a supernova that exploded 168,000 years ago in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a neighbor of the Milky Way, reached Earth. Astronomers Ian Shelton and Oscar Duhalde at the Las Campanas Observatory ...

Quantum Physics Feb 1, 2019

Scientists 'hijack' open-access quantum computer to tease out quantum secrets

The rules of quantum mechanics describe how atoms and molecules act very differently from the world around us. Scientists have made progress toward teasing out these rules—essential for finding ways to make new molecules ...

Ecology Sep 13, 2018

Out of control means off the menu

Fishing pressure on threatened shark populations has increased dramatically in recent years and it is urgent that consumers reject shark fin products altogether—a study in Marine Policy by researchers from the Swire Institute ...

General Physics May 28, 2018

Researchers achieve almost instant magnetization of matter by light

The production of devices to store or transmit information is one of the most frequent technological applications of magnetism. An experimental and theoretical study conducted at the University of São Paulo's Physics Institute ...

Quantum Physics Sep 15, 2016

For first time, researchers see individual atoms keep away from each other or bunch up as pairs

If you bottle up a gas and try to image its atoms using today's most powerful microscopes, you will see little more than a shadowy blur. Atoms zip around at lightning speeds and are difficult to pin down at ambient temperatures.

Quantum Physics Jul 11, 2016

Physicists collide ultracold atoms to observe key quantum principle

Physicists from New Zealand's University of Otago have used steerable 'optical tweezers' to split minute clouds of ultracold atoms and slowly smash them together to directly observe a key theoretical principle of quantum ...

Nanomaterials Jul 8, 2016

Graphene could revolutionize the Internet of Things

PFL researchers have produced a tunable, graphene-based device that could significantly increase the speed and efficiency of wireless communication systems. Their system works at very high frequencies, delivering unprecedented ...

Biochemistry Jun 7, 2016

Using the 'deuterium switch' to understand how receptors work

(—The market value for deuterated drugs has recently been estimated at over a billion dollars. Such drugs are simply molecules in which one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced with deuterium. While these kinds ...

General Physics Jun 1, 2016

New approach to nuclear structure, freely available

The atomic nucleus is highly complex. This complexity partly stems from the nuclear interactions in atomic nuclei, which induce strong correlations between the elementary particles, or nucleons, that constitute the heart ...

General Physics Feb 26, 2016

"Electron screening puzzle" solved

The energy production in stars utlimately depends on certain nuclear reactions at energies close to the so-called Gamow-peak that affect strongly the chemical composition of stars and the surrounding planetary systems. These ...

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