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Search results for axel

Earth Sciences Aug 10, 2023

How a massive North Atlantic cooling event disrupted early human occupation in Europe

A new study published in the journal Science finds that around 1.12 million years ago a massive cooling event in the North Atlantic and corresponding shifts in climate, vegetation and food resources disrupted early human ...

Archaeology Aug 10, 2023

Researchers seek to determine climate drivers of early human interbreeding

A new study published in the journal Science by an international team finds that past changes in atmospheric CO2 and corresponding shifts in climate and vegetation played a key role in determining when and where early human ...

General Physics Aug 8, 2023

Electrons now moving through the superconducting accelerator that will power SLAC's X-ray laser

After more than a decade of work, electrons are now flying through a new superconducting accelerator at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, preparing to power the world's most powerful X-ray free ...

Social Sciences Jul 28, 2023

How thinking style differences are associated with anti-immigrant conspiracy beliefs

In recent years, anti-immigration sentiment and conspiracy theories have become widespread across the U.S. and Europe.

Cell & Microbiology Jul 17, 2023

New algorithm for quicker detection of antibiotic resistances

A team of researchers led by microbiologist Professor Dr. Axel Hamprecht of the University Medicine Oldenburg has developed a new method that enables quicker detection of a frequently overlooked antibiotic resistance. The ...

Earth Sciences Jul 13, 2023

Study shows land surface temperatures follow simple physics, likely due to complexity of processes involved

Radiation largely shapes variations of temperatures across continents, but evaporation and turbulent heat transfer also play their part. These are inherently complex processes. Following a new physical approach, the observed ...

Earth Sciences Jul 13, 2023

Scientists find evidence of world's oldest glaciers

Scientists have discovered the traces of the world's oldest known glaciers, dating from 2.9 billion years ago, in rocks sitting under the world's largest gold deposits in South Africa. This suggests the presence of continental ...

Cell & Microbiology Jun 27, 2023

How Streptomyces bacteria produce signaling molecules, a mechanism of microbial communication in soil

Bacteria of the genus Streptomyces produce chemical substances called arginoketides, to which many other microorganisms react. Bacteria form biofilms, algae join together to form aggregates, and fungi produce signaling substances ...

Social Sciences Jun 23, 2023

Opinion: Replacing news editors with AI is a worry for misinformation, bias and accountability

Germany's best-selling newspaper, Bild, is reportedly adopting artificial intelligence (AI) to replace certain editorial roles, in an effort to cut costs.

Plants & Animals Jun 20, 2023

Cuttlefish brain atlas first of its kind

Anything with three hearts, blue blood and skin that can change colors like a display in Times Square is likely to turn heads. Meet Sepia bandensis, known more descriptively as the camouflaging dwarf cuttlefish.

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