Search results for Closed Timelike Curve

General Physics Oct 12, 2023

Simulations of 'backwards time travel' can improve scientific experiments

Physicists have shown that simulating models of hypothetical time travel can solve experimental problems that appear impossible to solve using standard physics.

Astronomy Jan 4, 2023

Are black holes time machines? Yes, but there's a catch

Black holes form natural time machines that allow travel to both the past and the future. But don't expect to be heading back to visit the dinosaurs any time soon.

General Physics Apr 25, 2019

Avengers: Endgame exploits time travel and quantum mechanics as it tries to restore the universe

At the end of Avengers: Infinity War half the people (including heroes and villains) in the universe were gone in the snap of a finger from Thanos (Josh Brolin).

Quantum Physics Dec 9, 2015

Computing with time travel

Why send a message back in time, but lock it so that no one can ever read the contents? Because it may be the key to solving currently intractable problems. That's the claim of an international collaboration who have just ...

Quantum Physics Jun 20, 2014

Simulating time travel: Doctor Who meets Professor Heisenberg

(—University of Queensland researchers have simulated time travel using light particles. Lead author and PhD student Martin Ringbauer, from UQ's School of Mathematics and Physics, said the study used photons – ...

Quantum Physics Dec 6, 2013

Time warp: Researchers show possibility of cloning quantum information from the past

( —Popular television shows such as "Doctor Who" have brought the idea of time travel into the vernacular of popular culture. But problem of time travel is even more complicated than one might think. LSU's Mark ...

Quantum Physics Feb 19, 2013

Curves in spacetime violate Heisenberg's uncertainty principle

(—If an object traveling through spacetime can loop back in time in a certain way, then its trajectory can allow a pair of its components to be measured with perfect accuracy, violating Heisenberg's uncertainty ...

General Physics Apr 13, 2011

Big Bang simulated in metamaterial shows time travel is impossible

( -- By observing the way that light moves inside a metamaterial, researchers have reconstructed how spacetime has expanded since the Big Bang. The results provide a better understanding of why time moves in only ...

General Physics Mar 1, 2011

Time travel experiment demonstrates how to avoid the grandfather paradox (Update)

( -- Among the many intriguing concepts in Einstein’s relativity theories is the idea of closed timelike curves (CTCs), which are paths in spacetime that return to their starting points. As such, CTCs offer ...

Quantum Physics Jul 21, 2010

Time travel theory avoids grandfather paradox

( -- The possibility of going back in time only to kill your ancestors and prevent your own birth has posed a serious problem for potential time travelers, not even considering the technical details of building ...

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