Search results for Deep Impact

Environment 2 hours ago

A half-century later, a $62 million plan to finally clean up hazardous waste dump in Florida's Broward County

A half-century later, officials are taking significant steps toward a $62 million cleanup of one of the nation's worst hazardous waste dumps, a sludge-like mess that's lurked underground around a Pembroke Park property.

Space Exploration 5 hours ago

Craft unfurls China's flag on the far side of the moon and lifts off with lunar rocks to bring home

China said its lunar spacecraft unfurled the country's red and gold flag for the first time on the far side of the moon before part of the vehicle blasted off early Tuesday with rock and soil samples to bring back to Earth.

Environment 17 hours ago

Centering relationships between people and place: A critical step towards improving science's contributions to society

Slowing down the pace may not be common in academia, but it could lead to better science to support our planet through the current climate, biodiversity and social justice crises. This is one approach suggested by a diverse ...

Environment 17 hours ago

Study shows electric vehicles can have positive impact on air quality and public health in some cities, but not all

What do Houston, Los Angeles, New York and Chicago have in common? The answer is dense population, high traffic volume and air quality that fails to meet ozone standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Those ...

Environment 17 hours ago

'Life in the ocean touches everyone': US rolls out first national ocean biodiversity strategy

Roughly 2 million species live in the world's oceans. But scientists have only described a mere 10% of them. With extinctions on the rise and biodiversity threatened worldwide, many species are in danger of vanishing before ...

Ecology 17 hours ago

AI goes underwater: Transforming coral reef conservation with cutting-edge image analysis

Coral reefs, nurturing hubs of marine biodiversity, are grappling with mounting threats from environmental shifts. Traditional monitoring techniques, often laborious and invasive, are proving inadequate in the face of rapid ...

Archaeology 22 hours ago

Crucial shift in River Nile's evolution during ancient Egypt discovered

Researchers have explored how the River Nile evolved over the past 11,500 years and how changes in its geography could have helped shape the fortunes of ancient Egyptian civilization.

Space Exploration Jun 2, 2024

China lands a spacecraft on the moon's far side to collect rocks for study

A Chinese spacecraft landed on the far side of the moon Sunday to collect soil and rock samples that could provide insights into differences between the less-explored region and the better-known near side.

Environment May 31, 2024

Mussels downstream of wastewater treatment plant contain radium, study reports

Burrowed into streambeds and rarely moving for their decades-long lifespans, freshwater mussels are biomonitors, meaning they indicate how clean their environment is, according to Penn State researchers. As the bivalves feed ...

Planetary Sciences May 31, 2024

Martian meteorites deliver a trove of information on red planet's structure

Mars has a distinct structure in its mantle and crust with discernible reservoirs, and this is known thanks to meteorites that scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego and colleagues have analyzed ...

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