That's a bioplastic wrap

Bioplastics take on traditional petrochemical plastics in food packaging, with some challenges.

Back to the future with nature's own construction materials?

Europe's construction industry has a crucial role in cutting carbon emissions and energy consumption. But getting companies to ditch traditional building materials for greener, bio-based alternatives remains an uphill struggle. ...

When recycling equates with quality raw materials

Recycled materials are often of lower quality than the materials from which they were derived. Now the cradle-to-cradle recycling concept has been applied to carpets to deliver high-quality recycled material.

Bitumen roofing can be recycled… but isn't

Bitumen, the sticky, gooey black stuff you sometimes see oozing out of hot road surfaces, is a valuable binding agent. Not only in road building. But also in construction and in the production of roofing materials. What ...

Making clothes from milk

In the EU, residents waste an estimated 88 million tonnes of food every year, according to the latest estimates. That is roughly 170 kilogrammes per person. But what if scientists could turn some of that waste into useful ...

Aquaculture: Helping blue turn green

Producing sea shells and algae alongside fish could provide both an environmentally friendly and economically viable solution to make Mediterranean aquaculture sustainable.

Cow fertility – not so black and white

Holstein cattle - the black-and-white dairy cows you might see in a child's picture book - have been bred in northern Europe for hundreds of years. Over the last few decades, better management and selective breeding of the ...

Money-saving small wind turbines—myth or reality?

Small wind turbines promise a decentralised and clean energy source, but what can be done to make them more cost effective? At the moment, better use of feed-in tariffs is recognised as a potentially effective tool for boosting ...

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