The ewe can mitigate adverse experiences in her lambs

Lambs are likely to encounter a number of adverse events, starting from the fetal stage. In rodents and humans, it was shown that the mother can mitigate the effects of adverse experiences in her young.

Why is it so difficult to eradicate salmonella?

Feed contaminated by salmonella bacteria is a familiar and costly problem for the animal feed industry all over the world. Some types of salmonella have succeeded in establishing themselves in feed and fish meal factories ...

Nociception and Pain in Teleost Fish

For her doctorate, Janicke Nordgreen has studied nociception and pain in teleost fish. Her conclusion is that it is very likely the fish feel pain.

'Long-haired' water moulds are the most virulent

The water mould Saprolegnia can cause skin disease in salmon during its freshwater phase. The mould attacks both fish and eggs and has at times caused great economic loss for the fish farming industry, both in Norway and ...

DNA patterns of microbes

( -- The genomes or DNA of microbes contain defined DNA patterns called genome signatures. Such signatures may be used to establish relationships and to search for DNA from viruses or other organisms in the microbes' ...

VHS virus infects fish via their gills

Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS) is a highly contagious disease of rainbow trout in fresh water, causing great economic loss in the European trout farming industry. In his doctorate, Bjørn Erik Brudeseth presented ...

Viruses can turn harmless E. coli dangerous

For her doctorate, Camilla Sekse studied how viral DNA can be transmitted from pathogenic to non-pathogenic E. coli. Viruses that infect bacteria in this way are called bacteriophages. Her findings reveal that such transmission ...

DNA analysis uncovers the prehistory of Norwegian red deer

For his doctoral thesis, Hallvard Haanes discovered that Norwegian red deer are genetically different from other European red deer, due to their historical distribution. However, a century ago, red deer were imported from ...

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