Crowd-sourced fact-checking fights misinformation in Taiwan

New Cornell University research finds while journalists and professional fact-checkers struggle to keep up with the deluge of misinformation online, sites that rely on loosely coordinated contributions from volunteers, such ...

Hemp cannabinoids may have evolved to deter insect pests

Cannabinoids, naturally occurring compounds found in hemp plants, may have evolved to deter pests from chewing on them, according to experiments that showed higher cannabinoid concentrations in hemp leaves led to proportionately ...

With unprecedented flares, stellar corpse shows signs of life

After a distant star's explosive death, an active stellar corpse was the likely source of repeated energetic flares observed over several months—a phenomenon astronomers had never seen before, a Cornell-led team reports ...

Chemists image basic blocks of synthetic polymers

Synthetic polymers are everywhere in our society—from nylon and polyester clothing to Teflon cookware and epoxy glue. At the molecular level, these polymers' molecules are made of long chains of monomer building blocks, ...

Maps reveal biochar's potential for mitigating climate change

Biochar, a charcoal made from heating discarded organic materials such as crop residues, offers a path to lowering atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) at a time when climate scientists warn that urgent action is needed limit ...

Rewarding women more like men could reduce wage gap

Addressing the shortage of women in STEM-related fields such as computer science is not enough to close the gender gap in both representation and pay: Treating women more like men, especially on pay day, is more important ...

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