The ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies undertakes world-best integrated research for sustainable use and management of coral reefs. Funded in July 2005 under the Australian Research Council Centres of Excellence program this prestigious research centre is headquartered at James Cook University, in Townsville. The Centre is a partnership of James Cook University (JCU), the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), The Australian National University (ANU), the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA), The University of Queensland (UQ) and the University of Western Australia (UWA).

ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies James Cook University Townsville Queensland 4811 Australia

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Climate impacts on marine biodiversity

New research into the impact of climate change has found that warming oceans will cause profound changes in the global distribution of marine biodiversity.

Climate change ripples through life on Earth

Climate change is affecting most life on Earth, despite an average global temperature increase of just 1C, say leading international scientists in a study published today in Science.

Community power 'can rescue failing fish stocks'

Traditional community-run marine reserves and fisheries can play a big role in helping to restore and maintain fish numbers in stressed developing nations' coral reef fisheries.

Acid trip makes clumsy cone snails miss their prey

Deadly cone snails are too clumsy to catch their prey when exposed to the levels of ocean acidification expected under predicted climate change, according to new research published in Biology Letters.

'Twilight zone' fish swim silently with forked tails

An international team of researchers has identified a way to predict which reef fish can live across a greater range of depths, increasing their chances of surviving natural disasters such as cyclones and coral bleaching.

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