New study capture sugar transport fundamental to plants

In plants, Sugar Transport Proteins (STPs) are key for uptake of glucose. They are responsible for sugar import into plant organs such as seeds, pollen and fruit and are essential for correct tissue development. Moreover, ...

Bronze Age Scandinavia's trading networks for copper settled

New research presents over 300 new analyses of bronze objects, raising the total number to 550 in 'the archaeological fingerprint project.' This is roughly two thirds of the entire metal inventory of the early Bronze Age ...

Ion and lipid transporters specialize for their niche

Cell viability requires that a variety of functions at the cell membrane are maintained properly. P-type ATPases translocate substrates across the membrane, and they have evolved into different types taking care of specific ...

The narwhal's tusk reveals its past living conditions

Every year, a new growth layer is added to the narwhal's spiraled tusk. The individual layers act as an archive of data that reveals what and where the animal has eaten, providing a glimpse of how the ice and environmental ...

Electric cable bacteria breathe oxygen with unheard efficiency

Ten years ago, researchers at Aarhus University, Denmark, reported the discovery of centimeter-long cable bacteria, that live by conducting an electric current from one end to the other. Now the researchers document that ...

Twenty-one per cent of all citations go to the elite

In the span of only 15 years, a small academic elite has increased its share of academic citations significantly. In the year 2000, 14 per cent of all citations went to the top one percent of the most cited researchers. New ...

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