How to spot a wormhole (if they exist)

A new study outlines a method for detecting a speculative phenomenon that has long captured the imagination of sci-fi fans: wormholes, which form a passage between two separate regions of spacetime.

A heavyweight candidate for dark matter

Almost a quarter of the universe stands literally in the shadows. According to cosmologists' theories, 25.8% of it is made up of dark matter, whose presence is signaled essentially only by its gravitational pull. What this ...

Star mergers: A new test of gravity, dark energy theories

When scientists recorded a rippling in space-time, followed within two seconds by an associated burst of light observed by dozens of telescopes around the globe, they had witnessed, for the first time, the explosive collision ...

Physicists zoom in on gluons' contribution to proton spin

By analyzing the highest-energy proton collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), a particle collider at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, nuclear physicists have gotten ...

Team records neutrinos from the Earth's mantle

(—A team of researchers working on the Borexino Collaboration at Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Italy is reporting that they have detected neutrinos emanating from the Earth's mantle. In their paper published ...

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