New technology helps reduce salt, keep flavor

Eating too much salt can have significant negative health implications, and modern processed food typically contains high levels of salt to improve taste and preservation.

What to call seafood made from fish cells?

Food companies, regulators, marketers, journalists and others should use the terms "cell-based" or "cell-cultured" when labeling and talking about seafood products made from the cells of fish or shellfish, according to a ...

Researchers find high acceptability of 3-colored raspberry jelly

Raspberries are among the most popular berries in the world and are high in antioxidants that offer significant health benefits to consumers. The red raspberry is most commonly used in processed products like juices, jams, ...

Color and texture matter most when it comes to tomatoes

A new study in the Journal of Food Science, published by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), evaluated consumers' choice in fresh tomato selection and revealed which characteristics make the red fruit most appealing.

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