Simultaneous synthesis and fixing of covalent organic frameworks

Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are versatile materials composed of interconnected organic molecules held together by covalent bonds. These frameworks can be constructed in two-dimensional or three-dimensional (3D) forms ...

Researchers develop NMR method for drug structure elucidation

In the late 1950s and 1960s, more than 12,000 malformed babies with short arms and legs were born as a side effect of thalidomide, a drug sold to pregnant women to prevent morning sickness. The tragedy was caused by the drug's ...

New findings shed light on the chemical evolution of the Earth

The sun as a source of energy, and catalysts to accelerate chemical reactions, were of critical importance in the emergence of the first biochemical molecules on Earth. A research team has now shown that a solid deposited ...

Solving industry's sticky recycling issues

Adhesive residue left on recyclable materials, such as glass and cardboard, can now be dissolved thanks to the introduction of degradable polymers created by University of Surrey scientists.

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