Hidden distortions trigger promising thermoelectric property

In a world of materials that normally expand upon heating, one that shrinks along one 3-D axis while expanding along another stands out. That's especially true when the unusual shrinkage is linked to a property important ...

A new look at color displays

Researchers at Linköping University have developed a method that may lead to new types of displays based on structural colors. The discovery opens the way to cheap and energy-efficient color displays and electronic labels. ...

Smart nanotechnology for more accurate delivery of insulin

More efficient and longer lasting glucose-responsive insulin that eliminates the need for people with type 1 diabetes to measure their glucose levels could be a step closer thanks to a Monash University-led project.

Nano-sized carbon material could be used to treat Down syndrome

Scientists at the Texas A&M University Health Science Center (Texas A&M Health) have discovered that a nano-sized carbon material derived from the oxidation of carbon-rich sources could be used to treat Down syndrome and ...

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