
Researchers take magnetic waves for a spin

Researchers at New York University have developed a method for creating and directing fast moving waves in magnetic fields that have the potential to enhance communication and information processing in computer chips and ...

Tablet sales jumped 50% in 2013

Global sales of tablet computers surged 50.6 percent last year, with Apple clinging to the top vendor spot amid strong gains by rivals, a survey showed Wednesday.

Universe's early galaxies grew massive through collisions

It has long puzzled scientists that there were enormously massive galaxies that were already old and no longer forming new stars in the very early universe, approx. 3 billion years after the Big Bang. Now new research from ...

Light field microscopy for whole brain activity maps

(Phys.org) —Advances in light-sheet microscopy have led to impressive images and videos of the brain in action. With this technique, a plane of light is scanned through the sample to excite fluorescent calcium sensors which ...

How politics divide Facebook friendships

Those who say one should never talk about politics in mixed company have never logged on to Facebook. These days a typical newsfeed is peppered with links, opinions and jabs about the latest political topics.

One-two punch of drought, global warming

California being in the clutches of drought—as it is today—is nothing new. From prehistoric droughts to so-called "megadroughts" that strangled the state some 1,000 years ago, to more recent extreme dry periods in the ...

Report reveals growing gap in reading proficiency of students

In a new KIDS COUNT data snapshot, the Annie E. Casey Foundation finds that a large majority of children in the United States are not reading proficiently by the time they reach fourth grade - a key predictor of a student's ...

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