
NYTimes starts Chinese site; microblogs go offline

(AP) — The New York Times started a Chinese-language website Thursday that generated so much interest in China two of its microblog accounts drew thousands of followers and then were apparently taken offline for several ...

Fears, hopes grow for Sony under new president

(AP) — The record 9,000 shareholders that packed Sony's annual meeting was no cause for celebration. After four years of losses and a halving of the share price, some angry investors doubt even a new CEO can pull the ...

Getting a feel for the terrain

A team is developing a rover-based computer system that can identify geologically relevant elements in a camera scene.

Self-healing dynamic membrane

The market for membranes, porous materials used mainly to filter liquids, is booming. However, their design leaves room for improvement. Taking their inspiration from cellular membranes, French researchers from the Institut ...

Designing microbes that make energy-dense biofuels without sugar

(Phys.org) -- With metabolically engineered microorganisms hungry for levulinic acid rather than sugar, a UW-Madison chemical and biological engineer aims to create more sustainable, cost-effective processes for converting ...

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