
NRL scientists optimize arctic sea ice data products

Scientists from the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Marine Geosciences Division are assisting NASA, the US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) and the European Space Agency (ESA) in developing ...

Smaller genome, greater applications

Bacteria are often the ideal machines in industry. The inputs they require are cheap substances such as amino acids and sugar, and their outputs are valuable products such as bioplastics.

Maternal gene causes more piglets to be born

A sow gives birth to more piglets if the DIO3 gene from its mother is expressed instead of the same gene inherited from its father. This is shown during research conducted by the Animal Breeding and Genomics Centre in Wageningen ...

The pterodactyl that researchers forgot

(PhysOrg.com) -- An ancient fragment of a skull from a 125 million year old flying reptile has been re-interpreted to redefine how the creature lived.

NATO launches exercise to beef up cyber defence

NATO's Tallinn-based cyber defence centre on Monday launched a three-day exercise involving European IT and legal experts in a bid to beef up cyber defence skills through gaming.

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