
Advanced light source provides new look at skyrmions

Skyrmions, subatomic quasiparticles that could play a key role in future spintronic technologies, have been observed for the first time using x-rays. An international collaboration of researchers working at Berkeley Lab's ...

Evidence of the big fix?

The theory of wormholes and multiverse suggests that the parameters of the Standard Model are fixed such that the total entropy at the late stage of the universe is maximized. We consider the radiation of the universe as ...

Algorithm automatically cuts boring parts from long videos

Smartphones, GoPro cameras and Google Glass are making it easy for anyone to shoot video anywhere. But, they do not make it any easier to watch the tedious videos that can result. Carnegie Mellon University computer scientists, ...

Review: How to follow World Cup beyond live video

Every World Cup game is being shown on television and online in the U.S., but many will require a cable or satellite TV subscription, even for Internet streaming. What if you don't have one?

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